Flying Start to 2020 as Pass Sales Soar!

It’s been a great start to the year for our destination passes with sales for January at an all time high! The passes have been selling well across the board with the numbers of sales of the Shakespeare’s England Explorer Pass steadily increasing month-on-month, and both the York City Pass and York & Beyond Explorer Pass selling in good numbers. The Edinburgh City Pass has had a phenomenal start to 2020 with its best monthly sales to date.
All our pass partners have worked hard to get their products out in front of a wider audience utilising our connections with big names like TripAdvisor as well as fine-tuning their marketing activities – and the hard work appears to be paying off!
This is very encouraging for Open Pass and the new destination passes that will be launching with us over the coming months.
If you would like to find out more about working with us as a pass organiser or if you are interested in becoming a trade partner and pass re-seller please give us a call on 01865 364537 or email [email protected] and our friendly team will talk you through the options.